Introduce and Reinforce the Five MOST IMPORTANT CHARACTER TRAITS with John’s New Assembly!

Schools that focus on character produce more successful students—that’s a fact!
That’s why I’m proud to introduce my BRAND NEW “Random Acts of Character” assembly!


“Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! The teachers and the students LOVED IT! We would love to make you a part of our school for years to come.”

~ Christina Alfaro - Parent Teacher Club President - Rosebank Elementary

A vibrant promotional text for the Random Act Assembly featuring magic, juggling, student challenges, and an exciting ventriloquism routine. The assembly delivers important character lessons in a fun and engaging way for students.

What is this Random Act Assembly?

MAGIC, JUGGLING, STUDENT CHALLENGES and the most WILD VENTRILOQUISM ROUTINE you’ll ever see! Your students will learn the real meaning of each and every one of these character traits in a fun and radically entertaining way…


They’ll learn how to put these traits to work AT SCHOOL to create a more productive and harmonious environment. 

High Energy All The Way Through!

Riotous Routines

Outrageous Audience participation

Hysterical Hijinks

Your students will go BERZERK!

Your students will go BERZERK!

Your students will be on the edge of their seats as they experience:

Big Fat Random Note: Schools that focus on Character score higher and produce students that are more successful later in life. That’s a fact Jack! That’s why I’m so very proud to present my BRAND NEW "RANDOM ACTS OF CHARACTER" assembly. My Not-So-Random Guarantee to You… ​

Just like the rest of my assemblies, “Random Acts of Character” comes John’s Super Duper Iron Clad 100% Money Back Guarantee. If you, your staff and students aren’t thrilled with the assembly, you don’t pay. It’s that simple!!!

Do Not Wait... Don't Hesitate... Don't Tempt Fate!

Because of the popularity of The Bully Game (yes, “Random Acts” was created by the same guy) and Animal Magic, John’s calendar gets completely booked every school day, every year. So call or email now to make sure that you get the date and time that you want for your school.

🤹 Outrageous Audience Participation – Students don’t just watch; they become part of the show

🎉 Hysterical Hijinks – A crazy mix of fun and inspiration

Testimonial: "In my 22 years at this school, this is the BEST ASSEMBLY I’ve been at!" – Audrey Green, Teacher, Yucca Mesa

“Okay, John, Everything Sounds Great…Now What?”

I am lucky enough to be performing over 40 shows a month, every month out of the year. As you can imagine, times and dates fill up very quickly. Simply pick up the phone right now and call 833-YAY-KIDS (833-929-5437) and I’ll be happy to give you a quote for your area and we can discuss availability and the details of your event. Why not do it right now while it’s still fresh in your mind. You’ll be glad you did.

Urgent call to action emphasizing the high demand for John’s school assemblies, encouraging schools to book early to secure a spot for the engaging and educational program.